Mending the Heavens, a Craft Workshop: Weekly Pass (One 2-hour Session)
Mending the Heavens, a Craft Workshop: Weekly Pass (One 2-hour Session)
Mending the Heavens, a Craft Workshop x Echo Zaozao Zhang
In-person, 1pm - 7pm, ET
Every Saturday, November 30 - February 22
89 5th Ave 702, Union Square, NY
Echo Zhang is an interdisciplinary sculpture artist, her works have strong feminist overtones, using a wide range of media including installation, sculpture, printmaking, performance, and video. She is obsessed with challenging the colonization of the female body, referencing witchcraft, and idolizing the female, infusing it into objects, architecture, and mythology. Arising from frailty and strength, her works give shape to her emotions, transforming them into poignant and ephemeral moments. These works, like tiny water droplets condensing and dripping from the eaves, invite viewers to pause and hold the moment for this tiny cold stirring.
When placing order, leave a message to let us know which week(s) you'd like to book.