Elaine Choi: 目目在歷 / mùmùzàilì
Elaine Choi: 目目在歷 / mùmùzàilì
出版年 Year: 2024
设计 Designed by: Jie Elaine Wang
图片编辑 Image edited by: Elaine Choi / Chenyi Zhao
尺寸 Size:
105 x 142 mm
⻚数 Page: 367
板数 Edition: 200
装订 Binding: 胶装。可撕式装订,每⻚可单独撕下。Glue binding with tearable pages, each page can be removed individually.
简介 Description:
中國傳統黃曆結合了日曆和占卜文化,其發展過程中融合了宜忌、星象、生肖、節 氣、節日、⺠間信仰、神話故事等元素,是過去人們的日常生活指南。《目目在歷》 的靈感則來源於中國傳統黃曆的形式和內容。 此書包含的攝影作品根繫於中國本土化的當代生活圖景,將其與黃曆的符號系統並 置,使得現實時空本身的包羅萬象與黃曆對宇宙、命運和時間的解讀進行對話。《目 目在歷》中的照片作為雙眼的遊歷,最後落入曆法之中。每張照片的頁面底部都配有 吉祥指引並且與照片本身相呼應。標題「目目在歷」(意為「眼睛所看到的一切都像 日曆上的日子一樣被記錄下來」)是對成語「歷歷在目」(「發生的一切都從未過 去」)的文字遊戲。封面以道教的符文範式來描繪標題,封底則展示了2025 年的蛇 年生肖設計。整本書被裝訂成每頁可撕的形式,就像傳統黃曆一樣。
The traditional Chinese almanac, combining calendar and divination culture, evolved to incorporate elements such as auspicious and inauspicious signs, constellations, zodiac signs, solar terms, festivals, folk beliefs, and mythological stories, serving as a daily guide for people. The inspiration for Mùmùzàilì draws from the form and spirit of the traditional Chinese almanac.
‘mùmùzàilì’ presents a photo series capturing the contemporary life of the Cantonese diaspora, inspired by traditional Chinese almanacs and divination culture. Each photograph is paired with auspicious guidance at the bottom of the page. The title, ‘目目在歷’ (sense-for-sense translated as ‘everything the eyes wander through has been captured like days on the calendar’), is a wordplay on the idiom ‘歷歷在目’ (‘everything that has happened has never passed’). The book is bound with tearable pages, just like the traditional almanac, enabling each page to be torn away.
关于作者 About the Author
Elaine Choi, a visual artist from Guangzhou, Guangdong, studied photography at the Beijing Film Academy. Utilizing photography as her medium, her work combines visual consciousness with intuition and life experiences. Wherever she goes, she captures moments, playing between the realms of fast and slow, light and heavy.
In her hands, images transition from capturing everyday spectacles to delving into the unseen depths of one’s inner consciousness, ultimately transforming into a profound journey of contemplation, memory, and dreams. Photography to her serves not only as a representation of visible reality but also as an exploration of the realms of imagination and mystery.